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Significantly reduce costs - get on track now

Dernière mise à jour : 27 sept. 2023

With heyPatient you digitise and automate patient management from registration to aftercare. Simple and as a service. This allows you to noticeably reduce costs and inspire your patients.

The business case is convincing:

You save CHF 35.00 per digitally sent appointment request, thanks to (staff) relief, cost savings for paper, printing and dispatch as well as better prepared patients and fewer "no shows".

These cost savings were calculated at the Baden Cantonal Hospital during the initialisation phase of heyPatient.

For a hospital with 100,000 appointments per year and an app usage rate of 30%, you save over CHF 1 million per year with our "e-appointments" function alone. Secure this savings potential and set the course for it in the current budget round.

Which costs occur?

The heyPatient pricing is based on the size of the company.

The one-off activation fee includes the basic heyPatient functionality (17-language patient app with SwissID identity check, personal timeline, integrated EPD, heyFamily, multi-page platform with easy-to-integrate third-party providers and much more).

In addition, you choose the functionality you want, for example e-registration (app/web), e-appointments, e-patient tasks, e-checkin, etc. These service fees include provision, support and basic development. There are no additional costs such as licence fees.

What needs to be considered in the budget?

Thanks to "as a service" cost transparency, no further expenses are incurred.

A small hospital can benefit from a comprehensive patient management system from as little as CHF 35,000 per year, which offers maximum benefit and a noticeable reduction in expenditure.

Medium-sized hospitals, for example a cantonal hospital, can benefit comfortably from CHF 85,000 (including one-off fee in 1st year) for e-appointments, e-admission, automated patient tasks and other standard functionalities. If you wish specific functionality, our product management team is happy to help.

heyPatient Whitelabel: Your appearance in the stores

Would you prefer to start right away with your own app, which is available in the stores with the name of your choice and accompanies your patients in their everyday health care with specific functionalities?

With a whitelabel app from heyPatient, you benefit from the highest investment protection at transparent costs:

  • Extensive basic app functionality (17 languages, integrated EPD, integrated care network, personal timeline, personal health dossier, etc.)

  • App home screen can be flexibly designed according to your wishes

  • App functionality can be extended at any time, thanks to HL7 FHIR standard, third-party providers can be easily integrated

  • Cost-included 2nd level support, maintenance and basic further development

  • Simple, intuitive self-service configuration, available in 17 languages, 24x7x365

  • Collaboration platform during project setup in Microsoft Teams with SingleSignOn

  • Flexible access to designated experts who can temporarily reinforce your internal team if required

What does a whitelabel app cost?

As heyPatient offers Software as a Service, this offer is extremely attractive:

The one-off connection fee from January 2024 is CHF 20,149.00.

The monthly service costs for a small clinic are CHF 510.00.

-> For pre-orders until 31.12.2023 we grant a 5% discount.

I still have some budget in 2023 - for that I want the maximum benefit

Then we recommend a design workshop:

For >CHF 20,000 (incl. VAT), we facilitate three workshop afternoons with your interprofessional team.

We use modern design thinking methods and jointly develop the future digital patient journey with team-prioritised use cases. Finally, we draw up a recommendation as a basis for decision-making for the next steps, with a rough cost estimate and ready-to-use documentation for internal forwarding.

Optionally, we develop a clickable prototype to make the new patient journey clickable and tangible.

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Témoignages de clients

«Nous sommes convaincus que heyPatient, en tant que solution numérique et intégrée, a le potentiel d'établir de nouveaux standards dans le domaine de la santé.»

Adrian Schmitter, CEO

Kantonsspital Baden AG

«heyPatient offre à nos patients l'accès numérique simple et tant attendu à notre clinique - en même temps, les processus internes de la clinique peuvent également être optimisés dans l'intérêt des patients. La heyCommunity nous intègre dans un espace de santé virtuel régional, mais aussi national, permet des étapes de développement communes et offre également à chaque clinique la possibilité de mettre en œuvre des ajustements individuels et des connexions à des applications tierces ! Une victoire pour nos patients, la heyCommunity et bien sûr notre clinique !"

« Permettre à nos patients de planifier leur séjour en ligne est une étape logique dans notre stratégie de digitalisation. heyPatient offre une solution convaincante pour cela.»

René Künzli, responsable des services et membre de la direction

Centre suisse des paraplégiques

Rolf Schhrender, directeur général adjoint

Clinique Merian Iselin

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heyPatient AG


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+41 44 586 02 01


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+49 69 505027 314

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